you are now entering: the hive

Welcome to The HiveThis is a general hub for any and all important information about us


We are the Encrypted Hives System
We are an undiagnosed traumagenic system
We are collectively a minor, many of our fronters tend to reflect this
We are collectively neurodivergent and very mentally ill
We collectively go by Crypt and Deimos, though our pronouns page can be found here, this will also be linked elsewhere
We are collectively transmasc, polyamorous, mlm, and aroace

[!] CAUTION [!]

[!] DNI [!]

  • Basic DNI criteria [ableist, racist, lgbtphobic, etc etc]

  • Discourse/Syscourse

  • Sys fakeclaimer of any kind

  • Proshipper [I hope you explode, personally]

  • Incest supporter/apologist

  • MAP/Pedo supporter/apologist

  • Exclusionist [We are Literally collectively aroace]

  • If you police other people's identities

  • Anti-mogai

  • If you believe genuine suicide baiting is okay

  • Against doubles [fictive or kin] [IRLs and fictives uncomfy with kin doubles are completely fine] [I have nothing against you I just want to make sure that there's no chance of you being made uncomfy just in case]

[!] BYF [!]

  • We don't function well under stress, if we have done something wrong please inform us calmly

  • We aren't okay with death threats unless it's in a completely joking and lighthearted context

  • Same goes for suicide baiting

  • That being said we do make kys jokes as well as joking death threats ["I'm going to hit you with a brick" "I hope you explode" etc etc] if this makes you uncomfy it's likely in your best interest to not interact

  • We require tone indicators as we have a problem with reading tone

  • We have a tendency to randomly delete posts and comments

  • If we suddenly unfollow/disengage with you it's nothing against you, just our brain being strange

  • I tend to talk abt cannibalism and stuff like that a lot, commonly untagged unless it's an image, if that's a problem for you please proceed with caution

  • We also talk about bugs a lot untagged as it's a special interest of ours, this includes images, if that's a problem for you please proceed with caution


[!] Triggers [!]

  • Chainsaw noises and talk of chainsaw injury

  • Most Christmas related topics and imagery [Fine if warned for]

  • ED talk [Fine if warned for]

  • C/lt talk and most related jokes [Mostly fine if warned for]

  • Prolonged jumbled whispering


  • Yelling without warning

  • Overly sexual comments towards us [Partner exempt] [Obvious jokes exempt]

  • Genuine flirting [Partner exempt]